Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Software is just Automated processes

I couldn't have said it better myself. This is a quote from Jed Symms, a consultant from Australia, who also looks at getting value from software.

He describes software as automated processes and outlines how to evaluate software.
  • First describe your business processes.
  • Simplify your business processes taking 40-50% 0f the processing steps out. (this is possible because most of the steps are carry overs from past actvities and no longer are required. Sometimes standardizing activities can achieve the same thing).
  • Then, and only then, look at the software and how it supports your new business process. Some processes will match exactly. Some software processes will be better than your current process. Some will not be as good, but you can live with them. For some processes, the software will not help at all.

Most businesses that install new software, don't recognize that the software automates a business process. The way they automate it may be in total conflict with their existing processes. The end result is a conflict and a result that doesn't improve business operations. It makes it worse. That's why so many software projects fail.

You buy software to upgrade your business. Make sure that you get value from the experience. Start by looking at your business processes.

Chere here to see Jed's article.

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