Friday, December 26, 2008

Computer systems reliability and business impact.

An article on computer systems reliability from ZDNET Asia quotes statistics from Freeform Dynamics that shows the impact on business from what they call software resiliency. This means the system's ability to recover from software failures.

Some of the statistics include:
  • 24% of organizations suffer from a software failure once per week.
  • In addition, 34% suffer from a software failure once per month.
  • Even worse, 20% of organizations suffer from financial or legal issues once per quarter.

These problems cause major business impact. In most cases, these problems can be prevented by planning for systems to be resilient. Yet organizations focus on new business functions, creating more dependence on these systems, and seldom plan for resilient systems. They assume that systems will work and react to failures.

Despite significant improvements in computer systems over the years, systems continue to fail. These failures can be prevented by proper planning, or at least the impact of these failures minimized.

Many technical support staff enjoy diagnosing problems and become very good at it. However, the business suffers while they react. Until business owners and managers insist on software reliability and understand the impact to their business, things will not improve.

The original article can be found here.

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