What is just starting to gain traction is using the Lean priciples in non-manufacturing processes. Think of a business process in the same fashion as you would a manufacturing process. It is simply a bunch of activities put together to create a defined result.
There are two major differences between a manufacturing process and an office process.
- A manufacturing process uses machines to perform the activities. An office process typically uses people, supported by software.
- Waste is typically obvious in a manufacturing process. You find it in poor quality products, in wasted materials, etc. In an office environment, you find it in two places: Wasted time and bad data. You don't see wasted time; it doesn't accumulate. You don't see bad data until you try to make decisions; you end up with wasted time.
While some large companies are staring to use Lean principles in the office, it is seldom looked at in small businesses.
I thought the following article was interesting because it talked about Lean in new business startups.
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